~ Citrus systems Carrd ~



Hello! We are the Citrus System.
Catchall is citrus, and they/them
There are around 21 of us
The body is -15.
We have 27 Systokens, and 1 altcoin (@syspositivity)

Credit to Michael for the carrd layout
all pictures taken from google/pinterest

~ Citrus systems Carrd ~



~ Citrus systems Carrd ~



Alters in the system are dating, and will talk about it on the tl
We may joke about dead parents
Most alters are adults, but we still are in a minors body
We do often talk to privated accounts (cough cough peter talking to his brother 24/7)
We might not always be up to talking, so if we like but dont reply to a short convo, that may be why.
Dont ask anyone to front unless given permission from the person

Homophobic, ableist, transphobic, etc.
You infantilize systems, autistic folk, etc. and speak over them (so ableist, but they wouldn't listen to that)
Support Scott Cawthon
Body is over 25 or under 12
Treat introjects exactly like their source

~ Citrus systems Carrd ~



These interests may vary in between, but there will always be at least one person happy to talk about it.

Things in bold are main interests in the system main fronters, italic are things not brought up often, but are absolutely pos triggers for someone probably.

Dayshift at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
The Walten Files
History in general
Roblox (specifically building)
We Happy Few